Force for Change
Personal Development - Training - Coaching
UK +44 (0) 742 926 9791
Spain +34 665 660 667

Coaching Qualification by:
Endorsed and Accredited by:

Coaching is an unregulated profession, and for this very reason, it is important to know how your coach acquired their Coaching skills and credential.
Force for Change training facilitators are licensed trainers and NLP Practioners. Force for Change coaches hold a Diploma in Personal Performance Coaching, a program delivered by The Coaching Academy and accredited (ASCTH) with the International Coach Federation (ICF) and therefore bound by their standards of conduct and ethics. Force for Change Trainers are licensed trainers.
The Coaching Academy was established in 1999, and is now the largest training organisation of its kind in the world. The Coaching Academy courses are accredited by the leading professional bodies.
“The Coaching Academy has made the first step towards a possible regulation of the industry by sponsoring The National Occupational Standards in Coaching and Mentoring, the framework for future NVQs.
These standards provide a benchmark by which employers will be able to judge the quality of coaching delivered and we expect all training providers who care about the standard of coaching delivery to educate their students to a level that allows them to do this.
Needless to say, The Coaching Academy courses exceed these National Occupational Standards and our students can feel confident that they are fully equipped for any regulation of the profession in the future.
The Coaching Academy, as the leading coach training provider in the UK, would be consulted on any steps in this direction and we, in turn, would consult with you – our coaches and members.”
The Coaching Academy-